Tuesday, July 8, 2008


today at the wake i: 
discovered just how little i knew of my family.
judged girls on what they were wearing. (it's a funeral home, not the mall girls.)
attempted and failed to converse with a three year old relative of some sort. 
was the focus of a rescue attempt from a horridly boring conversation leading to nowhere.
focused some well masked irrational aggressive feelings towards my second cousin for not feigning some sort of interest in me. 
considered making a secret get away.
saw the dead body of my great uncle don. 
held my father's hand to keep him strong. 

when i saw the body, i was mildly alarmed that it would jump up any second and open it's eyes.  they cleaned him up a bit too nicely, people don't remember him as the well groomed man in that coffin, they know him as the red faced man with jack daniels. but that's what death is, taking the life out of things, and leaving a hollow shell that housed them. 

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